The Joys of a First Hunt
By Ryan Biltz, Realtree UC Land ProJuly 02, 2021
On a turkey hunt last spring, one Realtree UC Land Pro went through his checklist and made sure he packed everything.
Shells. Check. Calls. Check. Realtree Camo. Check. License and tags. Check. The joys of the first hunt of the season. After checking everything two and three times over I usually go to bed the night before with the gut feeling I’m forgetting something. On a turkey hunt last spring with an eager young hunter, I went through the checklist and seemed to hit all the boxes. Besides, I have extras of just about everything packed to be able to handle any situation.
Fast forward to a morning full of gobbling, several encounters, and an
eastern long beard at 25 yards offering to be turned to the young hunters first
punched tag. There just happened to be a minor problem at the moment of truth.
Read more of Ryan's story here.
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